We are very pleased to welcome Nancy Jao to our team as our Pre-Doctoral Intern! Nancy comes from the Clinical Psychology PhD program at Northwestern University Feinburg School of M
Read All About It...Online!!
Our new article on hookah use in pregnancy is now online! Click here for more info.
Recruiting "Little Sprouts"
It was a great day to be at the Goddard Park Farmer's Market to recruit participants for our Infant Behavior Study. Huge thanks to our incredible interns for creating such a colorful and engaging poster!
Welcome, Karson!
We are happy to welcome Karson Fair to our team! Karson is a recent graduate of Auburn University and will serve as a research assistant in our lab.
NNNS Certification
Another one of our very own research assistants, Cindy Nguyen, officially earned her certification as a NICU Network Neurobehavior Scale (NNNS) examiner! Way to go, Cindy.
Presenting at MFNM World Congress
We are so proud of our Clinical Research Supervisor, Geidy Nolasco, for presenting at the Maternal Fetal Neonatal Medicine (MFNM) World Congress in London. Congratulations, Geidy!
Congratulations, LG!
Congratulations to LG Rollins for winning 2nd place in the Post-Doc awards at Brown University's Mind Brain Research Day!
Mind Brain Research Day Presentations
Katelyn Borba, Hannah Dalglish, Dalaney Vonderahe, Cindy Nguyen, Samantha Goldman and Alana Corey had the opportunity to present posters at Brown University's 22nd annual "Mind Brain Research Day."
SRCD Symposium
Meaghan McCallum did an excellent job presenting at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) symposium on Saturday and shared her knowledge of "Examining Novel Predictors of Maternal Sensitivity During Infancy within the Context of Risk."
Taking a Stand!
One of our research assistants, Cindy Nguyen, had a great time at the Statehouse supporting a tobacco-free generation! #Tobacco21RI