These documents are protected by various copyright laws, and they may be used for personal, research use only. This is a selected list of publications, organized by subject-matter, that is most relevant to the work within our research lab. When full-text is available, the article title will link to full text.
* = denotes articles that are cross-referenced.
Pregnancy Exposure Studies:
- [Maternal smoking in pregnancy, fetal activity & newborn behavioral state: An observational ultrasound study.]
Stroud LR, Bublitz MH, Crespo FA, Lester B, Salisbury AL. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2020; pp.106894.
High rates of menthol cigarette use among pregnant smokers: Preliminary findings and call for future research.
Stroud LR, Vergara-Lopez C, McCallum M, Gaffey AE, Corey A, Niaura R. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2019;
Impact of maternal prenatal smoking on fetal to infant neurobehavioral development.
Stroud, Laura R., McCallum, Meaghan, Salisbury, Amy L. Development and Psychopathology/Dev Psychopathol. 2018; 30 (03) : 1087-1105.
- Developmental toxicity of nicotine: A transdisciplinary synthesis and implications for emerging tobacco products.
England LJ, Aagaard K, Bloch M, Conway K, Cosgrove K, Grana R, Gould TJ, Hatsukami D, Jensen F, Kandel D, Lanphear B, Leslie F, Pauly JR, Neiderhiser J, Rubinstein M, Slotkin TA, Spindel E, Stroud L, Wakschlag L. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2017; 72 : 176-189.
- Epigenetic Regulation of Placental NR3C1 : Mechanism Underlying Prenatal Programming of Infant Neurobehavior by Maternal Smoking?*
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, Salisbury AL, Phipps MG, Huestis MA, Niaura R, Padbury JF, Marsit CJ, Lester BM, Child Dev. 2016; 87 (1) : 49-60.
- Maternal–fetal attachment differentiates patterns of prenatal smoking and exposure.
Massey, Suena H., Bublitz, Margaret H., Magee, Susanna R., Salisbury, Amy, Niaura, Raymond S., Wakschlag, Lauren S., Stroud, Laura R. Addictive Behaviors. 2015; 45 : 51-56.
- Maternal smoking during pregnancy and infant stress response: Test of a prenatal programming hypothesis.*
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, Rodriguez D, McCallum M, Salisbury AL, Phipps MG, Lester B, Huestis MA, Niaura R, Padbury JF, Marsit CJ . Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014; 48 : 29-40.
- Prenatal Glucocorticoids and Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy Independently Program Adult Nicotine Dependence in Daughters: A 40-Year Prospective Study.*
Stroud, Laura R., Papandonatos, George D., Shenassa, Edmond, Rodriguez, Daniel, Niaura, Raymond, LeWinn, Kaja Z., Lipsitt, Lewis P., Buka, Stephen L. Biological Psychiatry. 2014; 75 (1) : 47-55.
- Prenatal Tobacco Exposure, Biomarkers for Tobacco in Meconium, and Neonatal Growth Outcomes.
Himes, Sarah K., Stroud, Laura R., Scheidweiler, Karl B., Niaura, Raymond S., Huestis, Marilyn A. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2013; 162 (5) : 970-975.
- The Relationship Between Maternal–Fetal Attachment and Cigarette Smoking Over Pregnancy.
Magee, Susanna R., Bublitz, Margaret H., Orazine, Christina, Brush, Bridget, Salisbury, Amy, Niaura, Raymond, Stroud, Laura R. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2013; 18 (4) : 1017-1022.
- Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Offspring Brain Structure and Function: Review and Agenda for Future Research.
Bublitz, M. H., Stroud, L. R. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2011; 14 (4) : 388-397.
- Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Neonatal Behavior: A Large-Scale Community Study.
Stroud, L. R., Paster, R. L., Goodwin, M. S., Shenassa, E., Buka, S., Niaura, R., Rosenblith, J. F., Lipsitt, L. P. PEDIATRICS. 2009; 123(5) : e842-e848.
- Maternal smoking during Pregnancy and newborn neurobehavior: A pilot study of effects at 10-27 Days.
Stroud, Laura R., Paster, Rachel L., Papandonatos, George D., Niaura, Raymond, Salisbury, Amy L., Battle, Cynthia, Lagasse, Linda L., Lester, BarryMaternal The Journal of Pediatrics. 2009; 154 (1) : 10-6.
- Effects of Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy on Newborn Neurobehavior: Neonatal Nicotine Withdrawal Syndrome.
Garcia-Algar, O., Puig, C., Vall, O., Pacifici, R., Pichini, S., Lester, B. M., Law, K. L., Stroud, L. R., LaGasse, L. L., Liu, J., Niaura, R. PEDIATRICS. 2004; 113 (3) : 623-624.
- Smoking during pregnancy and newborn neurobehavior.
Law KL, Stroud LR, LaGasse LL, Niaura R, Liu J, Lester BM . PEDIATRICS. 2003; 111 (6 Pt 1) : 1318-23.
- Smoking, stress, and negative affect: correlation, causation, and context across stages of smoking.
Kassel JD, Stroud LR, Paronis CA .Psychological Bulletin. 2003; 129 (2) : 270-304.
- [Maternal smoking in pregnancy, fetal activity & newborn behavioral state: An observational ultrasound study.]
- Electronic Cigarette Use During Preconception and/or Pregnancy: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Concurrent Mental Health Conditions.
Rollins LG, Sokol NA, McCallum M, England L, Matteson K, Werner E, Stroud LR. Journal of Women's Health. 2020.
- Electronic Cigarettes: Common Questions and Answers.
Klein, M. D., Sokol, N. A., & Stroud, L. R. American family physician. 2019; 100 (4) : 227-235.
- Flavored electronic cigarette use, preferences, and perceptions in pregnant mothers: A correspondence analysis approach.
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, Borba K, Kehoe T, Scott-Sheldon LAJ . Addictive Behaviors/Addictive Behaviors. 2019; 91 : 21-29.
- Electronic Cigarette Use During Preconception and/or Pregnancy: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Concurrent Mental Health Conditions.
- Preferences and Perceptions of Flavored Hookah Tobacco among US Women.
Scott-Sheldon LAJ, Stroud LR. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2018; 42 (3) : 37-46.
- Waterpipe (hookah) tobacco use in pregnancy: use, preferences and perceptions of flavours.
Stroud L, Werner E, Matteson K, et al. Tobacco Control. Published Online First: 18 July 2019. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-054984.
- Preferences and Perceptions of Flavored Hookah Tobacco among US Women.
- [Preconception Marijuana Use in Rhode Island: Rates, Demographics, and Psychosocial Correlates.]
Bromwich KA, Sokol NA, McCallum M, Nguyen C, Werner EF, Matteson KA, Vergara-Lopez C, Stroud LR. Rhode Island Medical Journal. 2013; 103 (4): 37-41.
- Co-use of tobacco and marijuana during pregnancy: Impact on nervous system development.
De Genna NM, Stroud LR, Eiden RD. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2019; 74 : 106807.
- Prenatal tobacco and marijuana co-use: Impact on newborn neurobehavior.
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, McCallum M, Kehoe T, Salisbury AL, Huestis MA . Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2018; 70 : 28-39.
- Additive drug-specific and sex-specific risks associated with co-use of marijuana and tobacco during pregnancy: Evidence from 3 recent developmental cohorts.
Massey SH, Mroczek DK, Reiss D, Miller ES, Jakubowski JA, Graham EK, Shisler SM, McCallum M, Huestis MA, Ganiban JM, Shaw DS, Leve LD, Eiden RD, Stroud LR, Neiderhiser JM (2003-2015)..Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2018; 68 : 97-106.
- [Preconception Marijuana Use in Rhode Island: Rates, Demographics, and Psychosocial Correlates.]
- [Prenatal antidepressant exposures and gastrointestinal complaints in childhood: A gut-brain axis connection?]
Salisbury AL, Papandonatos GD, Stroud LR, Smith AK, Brennan PA. Developmental Psychobiology. 2020.
- Prenatal Major Depressive Disorder, Placenta Glucocorticoid and Serotonergic Signaling, and Infant Cortisol Response.*
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, Parade SH, Salisbury AL, Phipps MG, Lester BM, Padbury JF, Marsit CJ. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2016; 78 (9) : 979-990.
- The Roles of Maternal Depression, Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Treatment, and Concomitant Benzodiazepine Use on Infant Neurobehavioral Functioning Over the First Postnatal Month.
Salisbury, Amy L., O’Grady, Kevin E., Battle, Cynthia L., Wisner, Katherine L., Anderson, George M., Stroud, Laura R., Miller-Loncar, Cynthia L., Young, Marion E., Lester, Barry M. .American Journal of Psychiatry/American Journal of Psychiatry. 2016;173 (2) : 147-157.
- Newborn neurobehavioral patterns are differentially related to prenatal maternal major depressive disorder and serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment.
Salisbury, Amy L., Wisner, Katherine L., Pearlstein, Teri, Battle, Cynthia L., Stroud, Laura, Lester, Barry M. Depression and Anxiety. 2011; 28 (11) : 1008-1019.
- Depression and breastfeeding: which postpartum patients take antidepressant medications?
Battle, Cynthia L., Zlotnick, Caron, Pearlstein, Teri, Miller, Ivan W., Howard, Margaret, Salisbury, Amy, Stroud, Laura Depression and Anxiety. 2008; 25 (10) : 888-891.
- [Prenatal antidepressant exposures and gastrointestinal complaints in childhood: A gut-brain axis connection?]
Maternal Cortisol and Stress in Pregnancy
- Lower socioeconomic position in pregnancy is associated with lower diurnal cortisol production and lower birth weight in male infants.
Bublitz MH, Vergara-Lopez C, O'Reilly Treter M, Stroud LR . Clinical Therapeutics. 2016; 38 (2) : 265-74.
- Maternal Sleep Quality and Diurnal Cortisol Regulation Over Pregnancy.
Bublitz MH, Bourjeily G, D'Angelo C, Stroud LR . Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 2016; : 1-14.
- Momentary stress, cortisol, and gestational length among pregnant victims of childhood maltreatment: a pilot study.
Bublitz MH, Bourjeily G, Vergara-Lopez C, Stroud LR. Obstetric Medicine: The Medicine of Pregnancy. 2016; 9 (2) : 73-7.
- Prospective Evaluation of Associations Between Prenatal Cortisol and Adulthood Coronary Heart Disease Risk: The New England Family Study.
Stinson LJ, Stroud LR, Buka SL, Eaton CB, Lu B, Niaura R, Loucks EBProspective Psychosomatic Medicine/Psychosomatic Medicine. 2015; 77 (3) : 237-45.
- Maternal Stress and Child Outcomes: Evidence from Siblings.
Aizer, Anna, Stroud, Laura, Buka, Stephen Journal of Human Resources/Journal of Human Resources. 2015; 51 (3) : 523-555.
- The effects of childhood sexual abuse on cortisol trajectories in pregnancy are moderated by current family functioning.
Bublitz, Margaret H., Parade, Stephanie, Stroud, Laura R. Biological psychology. 2014; 103 : 152-157.
- Prenatal Glucocorticoids and Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy Independently Program Adult Nicotine Dependence in Daughters: A 40-Year Prospective Study.*
Stroud, Laura R., Papandonatos, George D., Shenassa, Edmond, Rodriguez, Daniel, Niaura, Raymond, LeWinn, Kaja Z., Lipsitt, Lewis P., Buka, Stephen L. Biological Psychiatry. 2014; 75 (1) : 47-55.
- Pre-pregnancy obesity and maternal circadian cortisol regulation: Moderation by gestational weight gain.
Aubuchon-Endsley, Nicki L., Bublitz, Margaret H., Stroud, Laura R. Biological psychology. 2014; 102 : 38-43.
- Maternal history of child abuse moderates the association between daily stress and cortisol over pregnancy: A Pilot Study.
Bublitz, Margaret H., Stroud, Laura R. Stress. 2013; 16 (6) : 706-710.
- Childhood sexual abuse is associated with cortisol awakening response over pregnancy: Preliminary findings.
Bublitz, Margaret H., Stroud, Laura R. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2012; 37 (9) : 1425-1430.
- Maternal history of child sexual abuse moderates the association between daily stress and diurnal cortisol in pregnancy: A pilot study.
Bublitz, Margaret H., Stroud, Laura R. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 2012; 3 (0)
- Elevated maternal cortisol levels during pregnancy are associated with reduced childhood IQ.
LeWinn KZ, Stroud LR, Molnar BE, Ware JH, Koenen KC, Buka SL International journal of epidemiology. 2009; 38 (6) : 1700-1710.
Placenta Gene Expression and Epigenetic Regulation
- Epigenetic Regulation of Placental NR3C1 : Mechanism Underlying Prenatal Programming of Infant Neurobehavior by Maternal Smoking?*
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, Salisbury AL, Phipps MG, Huestis MA, Niaura R, Padbury JF, Marsit CJ, Lester BM, Child Dev. 2016; 87 (1) : 49-60.
- Prenatal Major Depressive Disorder, Placenta Glucocorticoid and Serotonergic Signaling, and Infant Cortisol Response.*
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, Parade SH, Salisbury AL, Phipps MG, Lester BM, Padbury JF, Marsit CJ .Psychosomatic Medicine. 2016; 78 (9) : 979-990.
- Maternal smoking during pregnancy and infant stress response: Test of a prenatal programming hypothesis.*
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, Rodriguez D, McCallum M, Salisbury AL, Phipps MG, Lester B, Huestis MA, Niaura R, Padbury JF, Marsit CJ . Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014; 48 : 29-40.
Child and Adolescent Stress and Risk for Depression
- Attention to Peer Feedback Through the Eyes of Adolescents with a History of Anxiety and Healthy Adolescents.
Rosen D, Price RB, Ladouceur CD, Siegle GJ, Hutchinson E, Nelson EE, Stroud LR, Forbes EE, Ryan ND, Dahl RE, Silk JS. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2019;
- Affective and Physiological Response to a Novel Parent-Adolescent Conflict Stressor.
Cook EC, Duncan O, Fernandez ME, Mercier B, Windrow J, Stroud LR. Stress. 2018; : 1-11.
- The role of stress response in the association between autonomy and adjustment in adolescents.
Cook EC, Wilkinson K, Stroud LR .Physiology & Behavior. 2018; 189 : 40-49.
- Links between rejection sensitivity and biobehavioral response to laboratory stress in youth.
Chaudoir, Stephenie R., Vergara-Lopez, Chrystal, Stroud, Laura R. Personality and Individual Differences/Personality and Individual Differences. 2017; 114 : 86-91.
- Sex differences in biological response to peer rejection and performance challenge across development: A pilot study.
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, D'Angelo CM, Brush B, Lloyd-Richardson EE Physiology & Behavior/Physiology & Behavior. 2017; 169 : 224-233.
- Stress through the mind of the beholder: preliminary differences in child and maternal perceptions of child stress in relation to child cortisol and cardiovascular activity.
Allwood MA, Gaffey AE, Vergara-Lopez C, Stroud LR . Stress. 2017; 20 (4) : 341-349.
- Depressed Adolescents' Pupillary Response to Peer Acceptance and Rejection: The Role of Rumination.
Stone LB, Silk JS, Siegle GJ, Lee KH, Stroud LR, Nelson EE, Dahl RE, Jones NP. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2016; 47 (3) : 397-406.
- Differential relations between youth internalizing/externalizing problems and cortisol responses to performance vs. interpersonal stress.
Laurent H, Vergara-Lopez C, Stroud LR. Stress. 2016; : 1-7.
- The influence of maternal care and overprotection on youth adrenocortical stress response: A multiphase growth curve analysis.
Vergara-Lopez, Chrystal, Chaudoir, Stephenie, Bublitz, Margaret, O’Reilly Treter, Maggie, Stroud, Laura . Stress/Stress. 2016;19 (6) : 1-25.
- The Relationship Between Autonomy and Relatedness and Adolescents' Adrenocortical and Cardiovascular Stress Response.
Cook EC, Chaplin TM, Stroud LR . Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2015; 44 (11) : 1999-2011.
- Secretory IgA reactivity to social threat in youth: Relations with HPA, ANS, and behavior.
Laurent HK, Stroud LR, Brush B, D'Angelo C, Granger DA .Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2015; 59 : 81-90.
- Increased neural response to peer rejection associated with adolescent depression and pubertal development.
Silk, J. S., Siegle, G. J., Lee, K. H., Nelson, E. E., Stroud, L. R., Dahl, R. E. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2013; 9 (11) : 1798-1807.
- Direct and moderating links of salivary alpha-amylase and cortisol stress-reactivity to youth behavioral and emotional adjustment.
Allwood, Maureen A., Handwerger, Kathryn, Kivlighan, Katie T., Granger, Douglas A., Stroud, Laura R. Biological psychology, 2011; 88 (1) : 57-64.
- Peer acceptance and rejection through the eyes of youth: pupillary, eyetracking and ecological data from the Chatroom Interact task.
Silk, J. S., Stroud, L. R., Siegle, G. J., Dahl, R. E., Lee, K. H., Nelson, E. E.Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2011; 7(1) : 93-105.
- Sex differences in cortisol response to corticotropin releasing hormone challenge over puberty: Pittsburgh Pediatric Neurobehavioral Studies.
Stroud, Laura R., Papandonatos, George D., Williamson, Douglas E., Dahl, Ronald E. . Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2011; 36 (8) :1226-38.
- Stress response and the adolescent transition: Performance versus peer rejection stressors.
Stroud, Laura R., Foster, Elizabeth, Papandonatos, George D., Handwerger, Kathryn, Granger, Douglas A., Kivlighan, Katie T.. Niaura, Raymond Dev Psychopathol. 2009; 21 (01) : 47-68.
- Biobehavioral Indices of Emotion Regulation Relate to School Attitudes, Motivation, and Behavior Problems in a Low-Income Preschool Sample.
MILLER, A. L., SEIFER, R., STROUD, L., SHEINKOPF, S. J., DICKSTEIN, S.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2006;1094 (1) : 325-329.
- Early life stress and adult emotional experience: an international perspective.
Cohen RA, Hitsman BL, Paul RH, McCaffery J, Stroud L, Sweet L, Gunstad J, Niaura R, MacFarlane A, Bryant RA, Gordon E . The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine/International journal of psychiatry in medicine. 2006; 36 (1) : 35-52.
- Early Life Stress and Morphometry of the Adult Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Caudate Nuclei.
Cohen, Ronald A., Grieve, Stuart, Hoth, Karin F., Paul, Robert H., Sweet, Lawrence, Tate, David, Gunstad, John, Stroud, Laura, McCaffery, Jeanne, Hitsman, Brian, Niaura, Raymond, Clark, C. Richard, MacFarlane, Alexander, Bryant, Richard, Gordon, Evian, Williams, Leanne M.Biological Psychiatry/Biological Psychiatry. 2006; 59 (10) : 975-982.
- Estimating Genetic and Environmental Influences on Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence: Differing Effects on Higher and Lower Levels of Symptoms.
Rende, Richard, Slomkowski, Cheryl, Lloyd-Richardson, Elizabeth, Stroud, Laura, Niaura, Raymond Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. 2006; 35 (2) : 237-243.
- Associations Between Sleep and Cortisol Responses to Stress in Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Study.
Capaldi, II, Vincent F., Handwerger, Kathryn, Richardson, Elizabeth, Stroud, Laura R. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 2005; 3 (4) : 177-192.
- The impact of early life stress on psychophysiological, personality and behavioral measures in 740 non-clinical subjects.
McFarlane A, Clark CR, Bryant RA, Williams LM, Niaura R, Paul RH, Hitsman BL, Stroud L, Alexander DM, Gordon E . Journal of Integrative Neuroscience. 2005; 4 (1) : 27-40.
- Applying a Nonlinear Regression Model to Characterize Cortisol Responses to Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Challenge.
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, Williamson DE, Dahl RE Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2004; 1032 (1) : 264-266.
- Are Stress Eaters at Risk for the Metabolic Syndrome?
Epel E, Jimenez S, Brownell K, Stroud L, Stoney C, Niaura R. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2004; 1032 (1) : 208-210.
- Ethnic differences in cardiovascular responses to laboratory stress: a comparison between asian and white americans.
Shen BJ, Stroud LR, Niaura R. Int.J. Behav. Med.. 2004; 11 (3) : 181-6.
- Sex differences in the effects of pubertal development on responses to a corticotropin-releasing hormone challenge: the Pittsburgh psychobiologic studies.
Stroud LR, Papandonatos GD, Williamson DE, Dahl RE.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2004; 1021 (1) : 348- 351.
- Perceived Emotional Intelligence, Stress Reactivity, and Symptom Reports: Further Explorations Using the Trait Meta-Mood Scale.
Salovey, Peter, Stroud, Laura R., Woolery, Alison, Epel, Elissa S. Psychology & Health. 2002; 17 (5) : 611-627.
- Sex differences in stress responses: social rejection versus achievement stress.
Stroud LR, Salovey P, Epel ES . Biological Psychiatry. 2002; 52 (4) : 318-27.
- The Yale Interpersonal Stressor (YIPS): affective, physiological, and behavioral responses to a novel interpersonal rejection paradigm.
Stroud LR, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Wilfley DE, Salovey P . Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2000; 22 (3) : 204-13.
Smoking and Adolescence:
- Negative affect, stress, and smoking in college students: Unique associations independent of alcohol and marijuana use.
Magid, Viktoriya, Colder, Craig R., Stroud, Laura R., Nichter, Mimi, Nichter, Mark Addictive Behaviors. 2009; 34 (11) : 973-975.
- Parental Smoking and Adolescent Smoking Initiation: An Intergenerational Perspective on Tobacco Control.
Gilman, S. E., Rende, R., Boergers, J., Abrams, D. B., Buka, S. L., Clark, M. A., Colby, S. M., Hitsman, B., Kazura, A. N., Lipsitt, L. P., Lloyd-Richardson, E. E., Rogers, M. L., Stanton, C. A., Stroud, L. R., Niaura, R. S. PEDIATRICS. 2009; 123 (2) : e274-e281.