These documents are protected by various copyright laws, and they may be used for personal, research use only. This is a selected list of publications, organized by subject-matter, that is most relevant to the work within our research lab. When full-text is available, the article title will link to full text.

* = denotes articles that are cross-referenced.


Pregnancy Exposure Studies:

  • Hookah:

    • Preferences and Perceptions of Flavored Hookah Tobacco among US Women.

      Scott-Sheldon LAJ, Stroud LR. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2018; 42 (3) : 37-46.

    • Waterpipe (hookah) tobacco use in pregnancy: use, preferences and perceptions of flavours.

      Stroud L, Werner E, Matteson K, et al. Tobacco Control. Published Online First: 18 July 2019. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-054984.

  • Marijuana:

Maternal Cortisol and Stress in Pregnancy

Placenta Gene Expression and Epigenetic Regulation

Child and Adolescent Stress and Risk for Depression

Smoking and Adolescence: